Bike Components
Bike Components
Bike Components

german   english


How'd you get into cycling?

As a child, I was always riding my bike. The weekends were filled with family cycling outings as well. I got my first mountain bike in 1990. After that I began to focus more and more on bikes and riding them. When I started working at bike-components as a student, things really kicked into next gear. The amount of bike parts and accessories that were all of a sudden available to me was outstanding.

What drives your passion for bikes?

In the beginning, biking was more a mode of transportation, than a passion. I lived in a rural area and bikes got me around. Today, things have changed. Now, I ride with friends and family with any free time I have. There is nothing like being in nature while riding my bike. It keeps me fit and relaxes me at the same time.

Keys to a successful shop?

A successful bicycle shop relies on a good relationship with the customer. We provide a service for the hobby cyclist as well as the passionate rider. In both cases, the customer has to feel like they have been well advised, so that they keep coming back. It is also important to know the customers interests and to be their go-to contact. Of course, this rings especially true in a physical shop, but it is important for our online customer relationship as well. It can be a challenge to reach a customer on this level through the internet, but it is something we have been doing with increasing success every year.

Community involvement?

We sponsor a variety of clubs and teams, e.g. the Maloja Pushbikers. We also support cool projects like bicycle tours to every corner of the world. We are the title sponsor of the TrailTrophy and we are present at events like Rad am Ring, a bicycle race on the infamous Nurburging race track. We also have three employees who are taking part in the Cross Country and Downhill World Cup. We are super proud of them and are happy to provide support. For us, it is important that we aren't just giving out money, but instead that we are a part of the events as well.

What are the best rides/trips/events you’ve done?

Without question, British Columbia. The trails around Whistler are a dream and the Bike Park has alot to offer. Definitely the best experience I have ever had on a bike.

Favorite bike build?

My current bike is a Yeti Cycles SB5.5, that I built up exactly to my wishes. Yeti Cycles bikes have always appealed to me and I was pumped to finally put one together. I honestly couldn't imagine a better bike. If a dream bike could ever become a reality, my Yeti is real close.

Any extras to add or note?

I would like to see mountain biking become more accepted as a sport in Germany. We need trails that are made for mountain bikes and in general more consideration from everyone who spends time in the forest. Mountain biking is becoming more popular and with that there is even more discussion of where we are allowed to ride. I'm not into that, so less talk and more riding. :-)


"We need trails that are made for mountain bikes and in general more consideration from everyone who spends time in the forest."


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